The Bradley Sisters and the English Perennial Garden
Being Australians from Sydney, and very “British,” the two Bradley sisters were certainly familiar with English-style perennial gardens and likely had experience maintaining them. Recently, I realized that…
4 min read
Himalayan Blackberry – Pry and Pop, Wiggle and Pull
If you haven’t tried it before, removing Himalayan Blackberry is not as difficult as you might think.
4 min read
Himalayan Blackberry and Its Native Look-Alikes
Himalayan Blackberry, when small, is easily confused with the native Trailing Blackberry. To tell them apart, I focus on the leaves.
4 min read
Backyard Singular, then Backyards Plural – My Adventure in Backyard Forest Restoration
My adventure with forest restoration began when we purchased an unremarkable house because we were enchanted by a small year-round creek in the backyard.
4 min read
Norway Maples – Now is the Time
Now is a good time to spot and remove small Norway Maples — their leaves have turned a bright yellow and the ground is soft from rain.
4 min read
Brief Reviews of Three Books
I’ve been looking for books related to backyard forest restoration in Puget Sound forests and only came up with three . . .
4 min read
Environmental News Feeds
The blogs or articles below are automatically posted from other websites I have found that are related in some way to forest restoration, ecology, or the environment. Note…
4 min read