Category: Backyard Forest Restoration
Preserving Topsoil Versus Removing Ivy
Which is more important, preserving topsoil or removing blankets of Ivy? Before, I would have said removing the Ivy, but now I’m not so sure.
Backyard Singular, then Backyards Plural – My Adventure in Backyard Forest Restoration
My adventure with forest restoration began when we purchased an unremarkable house because we were enchanted by a small year-round creek in the backyard.
Welcome to the Wet Season
Welcome to the wet season. Now I can focus on removing the highest priority invasive plants
I typically only realize I am near a nest when I feel the first sting. Then, I leave the area in haste!
Establishing a Trail to My New Worksite
Such a still morning yesterday, as if the fog had paralyzed all movement. Except for me, groping my way my through a maze of fallen trees and a tangle of invasives that cover the ¾ acre patch of forest I’ve just started to restore. After tripping over the same branches and nearly stepping into the…
Starting a New Area
The dry season is a good time to get started on a new area.
Start with Ivy
Forest restoration in the Puget Sound area starts with the removal of Ivy.