Category: Invasive Plants
Himalayan Blackberry – Pry and Pop, Wiggle and Pull
If you haven’t tried it before, removing Himalayan Blackberry is not as difficult as you might think.
Himalayan Blackberry and Its Native Look-Alikes
Himalayan Blackberry, when small, is easily confused with the native Trailing Blackberry. To tell them apart, I focus on the leaves.
Norway Maples – Now is the Time
Now is a good time to spot and remove small Norway Maples — their leaves have turned a bright yellow and the ground is soft from rain.
Brief Reviews of Three Books
I’ve been looking for books related to backyard forest restoration in Puget Sound forests and only came up with three . . .
The Future of Plant Identification
If artificial intelligence can master the game of Go, I guess it can learn to identify plants.
Drawing the Line on Vinca and Hedge Bindweed
A weed break is a narrow line of cleared ground separating the forest from invasives that spread by rhizomes — like Vinca and Hedge Bindweed.
Garlic Mustard or Money Plant? And Does it Matter?
I almost panicked the other day when I found the fall rosette of a plant that I thought might be Garlic Mustard, a Class A noxious weed in the State of Washington and “one of the most serious invaders in forested areas of the northeastern and midwestern United States.” This particular invasive plant might have…
How Old is Old-Growth Ivy?
While sawing through a 3 ½ inch diameter Ivy stem yesterday, I wondered how long it had taken to get so big. It was the largest of several large woody vine stems going up an approximately 60-year-old Douglas Fir, branching into dozens of gradually smaller stems, wrapping and crisscrossing as they climbed into the upper…
After a September Rain – A Good Time to Weed a Sunny Edge
We had some good rain in the last few days — a good time to weed a sunny edge.
First Year Herb Robert – Part Two
Yesterday I spent an hour removing a patch of first-year Herb Robert that had germinated in a bed of moss.
First Year Herb Robert
The dry season can be a good time to remove first-year Herb Robert.
Start with Ivy
Forest restoration in the Puget Sound area starts with the removal of Ivy.