Category: Native Plants
Dividing Sword Ferns (Between Green Blobs)
Honestly, I hadn’t divided Sword Ferns in years, and had only the vaguest recollection of cutting through root masses with a strong, sharp knife. But to my surprise, each of the ferns that I worked with on this day was already “divided.”
Evergreens in the Land of Rain
The Douglas Firs, Western Redcedars, and Western Hemlocks are the royalty of the Pacific Northwest forests, and this is their season.
Himalayan Blackberry Versus Salmonberry
The last few days I’ve been removing Himalayan Blackberry from a patch of Salmonberry shrubs. The poor Salmonberry is taking a real beating. Why?
Himalayan Blackberry and Its Native Look-Alikes
Himalayan Blackberry, when small, is easily confused with the native Trailing Blackberry. To tell them apart, I focus on the leaves.
The Future of Plant Identification
If artificial intelligence can master the game of Go, I guess it can learn to identify plants.
Transplanting a Native Trailing Blackberry
Today, a small Trailing Blackberry was the only native plant growing in a place where I wanted to put a new compost heap, so I decided to move it to another location. It’s a little early to start transplanting since we are still in the transitional period between the dry season and the wet season.…