Tag: Candyflower
Does Sheet Mulching Deter the Natural Regeneration of Native Groundcovers?
Does sheet mulching with wood chips deter the natural regeneration of native groundcovers?
Marking Future Transplants During the Dry Season
The dry season is a good time to look for sapling trees, shrubs, and small forbs growing in weedy areas or in spots too close to trails and marking them to transplant later when the wet season returns.
Improving the Balance in the Soil Seed Bank
“Even the weeds look lovely in May.” From Arthur Lee Jacobson in his book Wild Plants of Greater Seattle. April comes and goes. The rainy season begins to wind down, but the soil remains moist. Days grow longer and highs begin to flirt with 60 degrees. Nighttime lows no longer drop into the 30’s. All…
What’s Up?
One of the joys of backyard forest restoration is watching the native flowers come up in the Spring.