Tag: Cleavers
The Seeds of September
By September, virtually all of the native plants in the Puget Lowlands that spread by seed have gone to seed. In this blog I take a closer look at eight of them arranged by their means of seed dispersal. In recent weeks I took some pictures in the field and under a microscope at home.…
Annual Winter Weeds
Among the annuals that germinate in winter, several are Eurasian introductions that deserve our attention once we have eliminated the more-invasive weeds from our backyard forests.
Improving the Balance in the Soil Seed Bank
“Even the weeds look lovely in May.” From Arthur Lee Jacobson in his book Wild Plants of Greater Seattle. April comes and goes. The rainy season begins to wind down, but the soil remains moist. Days grow longer and highs begin to flirt with 60 degrees. Nighttime lows no longer drop into the 30’s. All…
Three April Weeds to Pull (Before They Flower in May)
I’m patrolling edges this month, removing invasive annuals and biennials. My top priority is Herb Robert, a.k.a. Stinky Bob, Death-Come-Quickly, and numerous other amusing common names.