Tag: Pacific Northwest Forests

  • Should We Still be Planting Native Trees?

    Should We Still be Planting Native Trees?

    I knew that because of climate change there were no longer any perfect native trees to plant in our region, but I thought that planting a mix of native trees in appropriate sites was a reasonable climate adaptive strategy. Recently, however, my confidence was shaken by a list suggesting that our most important native conifers…

  • Choosing the Right Trees to Plant in Our Urban Forests

    We have opportunities to plant many trees in our urban forests, but what species should we choose?

  • Big Trees Grow Faster Than Small Trees

    Big Trees Grow Faster Than Small Trees

    The largest Douglas Fir in Forest Park has a circumference of over 20’ and is estimated to be 176’ tall. It surprised me to learn that it is probably growing faster than any other Douglas Fir in the park.

  • Volunteer Douglas Firs

    Volunteer Douglas Firs

    The other day, I was surprised and delighted to find a half-dozen volunteer Douglas Fir seedlings in a spot that might actually get enough sunlight to support them.